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Netflix has more subscribers – level 3

23-10-2023 07:00

Netflix’s efforts to curb password-sharing likely increased its subscriber...

Solar eclipse – level 1

18-10-2023 07:00

Many people in the Americas watched a special event,...

Women’s rights in Poland – level 2

13-10-2023 15:00

In 2021, a young woman came to a hospital...

Albino whale in Mexico – level 3

12-10-2023 15:00

People named an Albino whale Gallon of Milk for...

Albino whale in Mexico – level 2

12-10-2023 15:00

Albinism happens when an animal or a human is...

Dutch Prince Nazi history – level 2

12-10-2023 07:00

Historian Flip Maarschalkerweerd found a Nazi membership card which...

The world’s oldest skydiver – level 1

06-10-2023 15:00

Let’s introduce you to Dorothy Hoffner. This lovely lady...

Poo Museum in England – level 3

28-09-2023 15:00

On the Isle of Wight, which is just off...

Jets land on highway – level 1

27-09-2023 07:00

Two special planes land on a highway. They are...

Jets land on highway – level 2

27-09-2023 07:00

Two Lockheed Martin F-35A fighter jets did something special...