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End of the one-child policy – level 2
06-11-2015 15:00
In the 1950s, China’s population grew by around 1.9%...End of the one-child policy – level 1
06-11-2015 15:00
This news is from China. Chinese parents can have...New tortoise is discovered – level 3
30-10-2015 15:00
A new species of giant tortoise has been identified...New tortoise is discovered – level 2
30-10-2015 15:00
People identified a new species of giant tortoise in...New tortoise is discovered – level 1
30-10-2015 15:00
This news is about tortoises. Tortoises live in the...Bombings in Turkey – level 2
16-10-2015 15:00
Two explosions in Turkey’s capital, Ankara, killed at least...