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Famous painter from Japan – level 2

14-08-2023 15:00

A man from the Japanese City of Osaka has...

Famous painter from Japan – level 3

14-08-2023 15:00

In Osaka, Japan, an office worker name Seikou Yamaoka...

Walt Disney and AI – level 1

14-08-2023 07:00

Walt Disney is interested in AI. The company makes...

Tristan da Cunha – level 3

11-08-2023 15:00

Tristan da Cunha is a British overseas territory, and...

Man flies out of the car – level 2

10-08-2023 15:00

Someone filmed a shocking accident in Brazil. A pickup...

Long trip with no money – level 2

07-08-2023 15:00

A man decided to test lessons which he learned...

Nice small animal – level 3

03-08-2023 15:00

An owner of a tiny hedgehog filmed the animal...

A ship with electric cars catches fire – level 2

03-08-2023 07:00

A ship carrying more than 3,700 cars, caught fire...

Special video of a snow leopard – level 3

31-07-2023 7:00

In northwest China, people rarely see snow leopards in...

Dogs in Japanese offices – level 2

26-07-2023 07:00

Fujitsu, a Japanese tech giant, is testing a dog-friendly...