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A tire falls off a plane – level 2

14-03-2024 07:00

A shocking incident happened when a plane bound for...

A tire falls off a plane – level 3

14-03-2024 07:00

Scary footage captured the moment a plane lost a...

Car park is a farm – level 3

13-03-2024 15:00

Former chef Noah Verin has transformed a car park...

Nuclear fusion – level 1

07-03-2024 15:00

An atom is the smallest thing that science can...

Cereals for dinner – level 2

04-03-2024 15:00

Gary Pilnick is the CEO of Kellogg’s, a company...

AI helps women in Kenya – level 1

21-02-2024 07:00

Many pregnant women die. Some have problems during pregnancy....

Alexei Navalny dies – level 2

20-02-2024 07:00

Alexei Navalny, a big critic of Russian President Putin,...

Alexei Navalny dies – level 3

20-02-2024 07:00

Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny died in custody after...

TikTok and Indonesia’s elections – level 2

16-02-2024 07:00

During the Indonesian presidential campaign, candidates turned to TikTok...

Poland is afraid of Russia – level 2

13-02-2024 15:00

Poland, Germany, and the Netherlands signed the ‘military Schengen’...