Search Result For production

Powdered beer – level 1

28-03-2023 15:00

A German company makes something new. Their product is...

Powdered beer – level 2

28-03-2023 15:00

A German company came up with a completely new...

Celebrity beauty brands – level 3

20-03-2023 07:00

Rihanna’s pause during the Super Bowl halftime show to...

US companies to make chips – level 2

06-03-2023 15:00

In August last year, the US government passed a...

US companies to make chips – level 3

06-03-2023 15:00

US semiconductor companies that want a piece of the...

Maple syrup and weather – level 3

20-02-2023 07:00

Maple syrup is in higher demand than ever before;...

World’s largest copper mine – level 3

14-02-2023 15:00

The Atacama desert runs across northern Chile, and it’s...

Brexit’s cost – level 3

13-02-2023 07:00

According to economists, Brexit costs 120 billion dollars a...

China solar ban – level 3

08-02-2023 15:00

China may ban the export of technology for solar...

Congo beer factory – level 1

13-01-2023 07:00

Congo is a poor country. Most people live on...