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Search for extraterrestrial life – level 1
01-08-2024 15:00
People always wonder if life is outside our planet....Search for extraterrestrial life – level 2
01-08-2024 15:00
Francis Drake was the first scientist who looked for...Search for extraterrestrial life – level 3
01-08-2024 15:00
In 1960, astronomer Frank Drake began the first scientific...New Planet with Water – level 1
23-09-2019 07:00
Scientists find water on a distant exoplanet. The planet...New Planet with Water – level 2
23-09-2019 07:00
Scientists discovered water vapor in the atmosphere of a...New Planet with Water – level 3
23-09-2019 07:00
Scientists studying data from the Hubble Space Telescope discovered...