5G Network – level 2

03-02-2020 07:00

The UK announced that the company Huawei can help build the 5G network in the UK. In the past, some countries worried that Huawei’s devices are dangerous for national security. However, Huawei said this was untrue many times.

There are some limits to the work that Huawei can do in the UK. The company cannot work on some critical parts such as around military bases and nuclear sites. Huawei can also deliver only 35% of the equipment.

Huawei’s top officer is not happy with this limitation because the company cannot already do business in Australia and Japan. US officials believe that Huawei is a very risky company, and it is disappointed by the UK’s decision.

Difficult words: device (a machine or a tool that does a special job), national security (the protection of a country), equipment (the things that people use for a specific task).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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