85-year-old woman finishes college – level 3

28-10-2021 15:00

An 85-year-old Palestinian named Jihad Butto just got a bachelor’s degree from the Kfar Bara Center for Islamic Studies.

The mother of seven dropped out of school in 1948 when she was only 12 years old. However, she always loved education and reading books.

Everyone knew about Butto’s passion to learn, so when her friends told her about the Kfar Bara certificate, and they asked her if she wanted to join. When Bhutto heard about an opportunity for education, she decided to do it.

Her friends registered her, and she enrolled at the age of 81. Butto took courses in languages, religion and mathematics. The woman now teaches other women in her community.

When she graduated, people asked the school’s dean if they helped her. He said no, and on the contrary, Butto helped the other students in various topics, and teachers often made her an example for them.

Difficult words: drop out (to leave school before finishing the work), dean (the leader of a university department), contrary (the opposite).

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