A dam reveals an old town – level 1

07-05-2024 07:00

It does not rain for a long time in the Philippines. In the north of the country, there is a dam. Now, the dam gets smaller. There is not enough water in it.

In the 1970s, workers build the dam. There is a town. They move the town and its people away. Now, the water is away. People can see the ruins of the town.  There is an old church and other buildings. People there are happy. They can see this old place and get more money from visitors.  Most people live from farming there. Now, they bring tourists to the town.

Many farmers grow rice in the Philippines. They need water. Now, they have problems. Neighboring countries have problems too. It is too hot for too long.  Schools close in the Philippines.  People must stay inside.

Difficult words: dam (a high wall across a river which collects water), church (a building where Christians speak to god), neighboring (a country which is next to another country).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What have the people in the town near the dam done to adapt to the decrease in water levels?


News in Levels is designed to teach you 3000 words in English. Please follow the instructions

How to improve your English with News in Levels: 


  1. Do the test at Test Languages.
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words.


  1. Read two news articles every day.
  2. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.


  1. Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
  2. Listen to the news from today without reading the text.


  1. Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.


  1. Choose one person from the Skype section.
  2. Talk with this person. You can answer questions from Speak in Levels.


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