A new way to save rhinos – level 1

09-06-2021 07:00

Poachers in Africa kill rhinos. They sell their horns. People in Asia buy them. They believe that rhino horns will make them live longer.

Some rich people also feel more special when they buy rhino horns. Rhino horns are very expensive. One kilo costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Researchers have an interesting idea. They make rhino horns radioactive. Researchers believe that people will not want to buy something radioactive.

It will be easier to catch people who take rhino horns out from Africa. Some ports and airports have special monitors. They find radioactive things. It is good news for African rhinos.

Difficult words: poacher (a person who kills animals when it is against the law), horn (a hard thing or two things which grow on the head of some animals), radioactive (when a very dangerous energy comes from breaking the smallest parts of things which are called atoms, and this energy has an effect on things around it).

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