700 people killed at Hajj pilgrimage – level 2

28-09-2015 07:00

The Hajj is an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. It happens every year, and every Muslim man must make the pilgrimage at least once in his life.

Two accidents happened during this year’s Hajj. Two large groups of people arrived at a crossroads outside of Mecca. There was a crush in which 700 people died and 863 were injured.

The incident happened because people did not respect the timetables, and too many of them moved. People are investigating the incident.

The second disaster happened two weeks ago. A crane collapsed at a square and killed 109 people.

Difficult words: pilgrimage (a journey to a holy place), crush (a crowd of people pressed closely together), crane (a large tall machine for moving heavy things).

You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.

What do you think about this incident at the Hajj?


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