Airport Attack – level 3

06-01-2021 07:00

An attack at Aden international airport has killed at least 26 people, leaving another 60 injured.

A large explosion rocked the Yemen airport shortly after a plane landed that was carrying members of Yemen’s newly formed government. The war-torn country’s government arrived from neighboring Saudi Arabia, and according to the prime minister, they were all uninjured. A second attack targeted the city’s Mashiq Palace, where cabinet members had been taken following the initial incident. No person or group has taken responsibility for the attacks so far.

Yemen has been devastated by a conflict that escalated in 2015, and it triggered the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. Reportedly, more than 110,000 people died in the conflict and millions are facing famine.

Difficult words: war-torn (a place that is devastated by war), initial (happening at the beginning), famine (a severe shortage of food).

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