Amazon Rainforest – level 3

16-07-2019 07:00

Brazil is home to 60% of the Amazon Rainforest which scientists consider critical to the climate health of the planet.

However, people are cutting down the trees there, and there was more deforestation in this year’s months of May and June than last year. In May, deforestation went up by 34% compared to the same month a year ago and 88.4% compared to June this year vs. a year ago.

A researcher at Brazilian non-governmental organization Imazon said that the country’s current president made the situation worse. Before Jair Bolsonaro became president in January, environmentalists warned that this would happen. The Brazilian president called for development in the Amazon and said that he wanted to allow mining in protected reserves – whether the people of the jungle like it or not.

Difficult words: deforestation (the action of cutting down a lot of trees), environmentalist (a person who is worried about the planet), development (the building of things).

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