Americans Are Like Children – level 3

02-01-2017 07:00

Michelle Obama gave her last interview as US First Lady as she prepares to leave the White House. She spoke to Oprah Winfrey and reflected on the Obama Administration’s legacy.

Michelle said that our children respond to crises the way that they see adults respond. She gave an example of a toddler who bumps his head on a table and checks with his parents to see if it should hurt. Depending on how the parents respond, the toddler will cry or will realise that it is OK.

Michelle said that she thinks her husband Barack Obama has been that parental figure for his nation as a grown-up in the White House. He would say in times of crisis and turmoil that it would be OK and Americans should look to the future. She said that all of this taught American kids to stay focused and know that their work and lives were not in vain.

Difficult words: legacy (how people remember someone or something), crises (plural of “crisis”), toddler (a young child who is just beginning to walk), turmoil (when bad things are happening), in vain (for nothing).

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