Australians vote on Aboriginal people – level 3

19-10-2023 07:00

Australia has rejected a proposal to recognize Aboriginal people in the country’s constitution and establish a parliamentary advisory body for Indigenous issues.

The Voice to Parliament referendum, held after a hard-fought struggle for reconciliation and recognition, failed to secure the double majority required for success. This defeat is seen as a setback to progress towards addressing discrimination and improving the health and economic outcomes of First Nations people. The vote took place 235 years after British settlement, 61 years after Aboriginal Australians were granted the right to vote, and 15 years after a landmark prime ministerial apology for past government policies, including forced child removal from Indigenous families.

The proposal aimed to create a non-binding advisory body for Indigenous issues to address the significant disparities in health, education, and more.

Difficult words: reconciliation (resolving conflicts and establishing friendly relations), setback (something that delays or prevents a process from developing), disparity (a difference in level or treatment).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What steps do you think could still be taken to address the longstanding discrimination against Aboriginal Australians?


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