Baby hippo – level 3

25-05-2015 15:00

This baby hippo has been getting to know her new digs at the San Diego Zoo. Devi, a curious eight-week old hippopotamus calf, got familiar with her new surroundings after stepping out for the first time this week.

Along with her mother, she made quite a splash in the hippo pool where she’ll be hanging out four days a week. And it wasn’t just the zoogoers that had something cool to look at. Devi herself was likely equally amused by the people staring at her through the glass.

“Hippos have a membrane over their eyes that allows them to see us outside the exhibit much like we can see them through the glass.”

Over the last few weeks, Devi’s grown stronger and more curious, venturing to the farthest reaches and deeper parts of the pool. But wherever she goes, her mother is always just a few feet away, nosing the calf back toward the shore where she’s kept protected.

The calf’s father was recently taken off exhibit and will remain in a separate area for the time being, giving mom and baby some precious splash-filled bonding time.

Difficult words: new digs (a new place to live), calf (a young animal), amuse (to entertain), stare (to look), venture (to go on a risky journey), nose (to push), for the time being (for now), bond (to establish a relationship).



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Stock images by Depositphotos