Big robbery in London – level 3

10-04-2015 15:00

Forensic officers have been combing to the scene of a major robbery in Britain’s main jewellery district Hatton Garden. Police believe the thieves used heavy-duty cutting equipment to break into an underground vault, potentially netting millions.

The gang took a reported 300 safety deposit boxes as they struck over the Easter weekend. The Scotland Yard were alerted to the burglary at Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Limited when business opened at 8 am on Tuesday.

Sources say a significant number of safety deposit boxes, which are usually used by the rich to store sensitive documents, cash and jewels, were understood to have been forced open.

One diamond jewellery expert who works in the district believes that the robbers came through a lift shaft and got into the basement where the safety deposit is. They then went through the boxes of jewellery and gems, many of which are owned by people in the trade.

It’s thought some of the stored goods are worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Police have not yet revealed whose safety deposit boxes have been broken into and they say enquiries are ongoing.

Difficult words: forensic officer (a person who investigates a crime), comb (to look closely), heavy-duty (strong), vault (a place which protects expensive things), net (to collect), significant (large), sensitive (secret, private), shaft (a long, narrow hole), gem (a beautiful stone), goods (things), enquiry (an official investigation).



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