Bombs in Ukraine – level 2

23-06-2022 15:00

In Ukraine, special teams search playgrounds, fields, streets, and homes for unexploded bombs and mines.

So far, these teams found around 85,000 bombs. Ukrainian soldiers placed some of them when they tried to stop Russian soldiers. The others were unexploded Russian bombs, and among them were cluster bombs.

A cluster bomb is a very strong bomb with many smaller bombs inside. International law says you cannot use cluster bombs, but now people know that Russia used them in the war in Ukraine. When teams find some bombs, they detonate them, and they see how much damage these weapons do. Experts say that the work can take decades to clear the bombs, and they can have an impact on millions of people.

Difficult words: mine (a bomb which explodes when someone steps on it), cluster (a group of similar things), detonate (to make a bomb explode).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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