Boy Hits a Painting – level 3

08-07-2022 15:00

A trip to the art museum could have turned into a very costly trip for one child in Taiwan when he lost his balance and put his hand through a painting worth around $1.5 million.

“Flowers” by Italian master Paolo Porpora was part of a Taipei exhibition of artwork by or influenced by Leonardo da Vinci. Organisers did not believe that the boy intentionally vandalised the oil painting, saying that it was obvious that he did not mean to push it.

The exhibition organisers decided not to charge the boy for the damage and said that the painting could be easily restored. However, this made them reconsider displaying valuable paintings in the open.

Difficult words: intentionally (on purpose), restore (fix to original condition), in the open (close to where people are).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What do you think about the accident with the painting?


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