Cable car crash – level 1

28-05-2021 15:00

A cable car crash happens in Italy on Sunday. The cable car goes from the town of Stresa near Lake Maggiore. It travels up to a mountain. The mountain is 1,400 meters high. The way is 20 minutes long.

A cable breaks just before the end of the way. One cabin falls down 20 meters. It rolls down the hill. Trees stop the cabin.

14 people die. A helicopter takes two children to hospital. Officials must find out what happens.

The cable car opens again not long ago. People check it. Everything seems fine. Nobody knows why the cable breaks.

Difficult words: cable car (a special lift which takes people up and down a mountain), cabin (a thing which hangs on a cable and in which people sit and they travel up and down a mountain), roll (to turn over and over).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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