Can Schools Open Again? – level 3

15-07-2020 07:00

As schools around the world are beginning to reopen after the coronavirus pandemic, the question on many parent’s minds remains. Is it safe for kids to return to school?

Deborah Birx is a coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and she suggests that in the case of the US, it really depends on where the school is. US schools begin to reopen next month, and many school districts rely on information from the CDC, the US health protection agency, how to safely reopen.

However, Birx said that the agency sent mixed messages, and schools needed to look on CDC’s website for the current guidelines. Each school is different, as some schools may be in areas where outdoor classrooms are possible, and some schools may have a large gym that could be sectioned.

In any case, fans and air circulation are also important to consider.

Difficult words: mixed message (a message or communication that is unclear and can be interpreted in many ways), guideline (a general rule or piece of advice), sectioned (divided into separate parts or areas), air circulation (the movement of air).

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