Canada and Television – level 3

07-10-2019 15:00

Before there were TV and movies, there was vaudeville, a type of theater that entertained people. Back then, entertainers wanted to be sure that their shows would be enjoyable everywhere. This is true today but for all across the world. Parrot Analytics, an analytics company, called this idea “travelability” if a TV show is popular globally.

The USA is famous for its TV shows, but Parrot Analytics says that the country that makes the most shows with “travealabiltiy” is Canada. The show genres that have done the best are dramas and children’s programs and are in English. English content is important because most people do not want content in other languages or with subtitles.

Originally, Americans made shows in Canada, but more Canadian shows have won awards recently. Canadian companies now are making more and more of their own shows.

Difficult words: vaudeville (a type of theater with dancing, singing, and comedy acts), “travelabiltiy(the idea that something can be popular very far away), genre (a type of story such as drama, comedy, science fiction, horror, romance, or nonfiction).

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