City Under Snow – level 3

08-12-2020 07:00

For the past week, residents of the most northerly city in Siberia, Russia, have been waking up to more and more snow.

The city of Norilsk is located 300 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, and in December, the temperature can reach minus 30 degrees Celsius. The city has been battered by snowstorms for days, with blizzards reaching 100 kmph. Local authorities estimate that they have removed 400,000 tons of snow from the city over the past two months. In some places, the snow reached head height and it completely buried vehicles and roads.

The extreme weather has caused significant disruption to public transport and air travel with the airport being currently closed. However, the residents have not let the harsh winds and huge piles of snow get them down.

Difficult words: the Arctic Circle (an imaginary line that circles Earth’s northernmost end), batter (to strike repeatedly with hard blows), blizzard (a severe snowstorm with high winds).

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