Comic book for blind children – level 3

23-01-2015 07:00

A Mexican writer has turned his hand to creating comic books for blind children.

Jorge Grajales Bernardo Fernandez has created a title called “Senses the Universe of His Eyes” which is a story about the adventures of an astronaut who crash lands on a planet inhabited by creatures with no eyes.

The astronaut loses his sight, but aliens around him teach him how to see the world using other senses.

Funds from sales of the 16 page comic book will go towards buying glasses for visually impaired schoolchildren in Mexico.

The Braille comic book has been a big hit among the international community for the blind who say that more books like this are needed.

The comic book will be sold for around two dollars.

Difficult words: turn your hand (to do something new), crash land (to land by crashing into somewhere), inhabit (to live somewhere), creature (a person/organism/animal), alien (a creature from a different world), funds (money), impaired (having a certain disability).



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