Coronavirus crisis in India – level 3

03-05-2021 07:00

Delhi has been cremating so many bodies of COVID-19 victims that authorities are getting requests to start cutting down trees in city parks for kindling, as a record surge of illness is collapsing India’s health care systems.

Burial grounds are running out of space in many cities and glowing funeral pyres blaze throughout the night. Last week, the US sent India raw materials for vaccines, joining European countries in pledging to help stop the world’s biggest surge in cases.

With reports of hospital bed and oxygen and drug shortages sweeping social media, wealthy Indians are looking for a way out of the country. They pay thousands of dollars to escape to Europe and the Middle East in private jets. However, it’s not only the ultra rich people. Whoever can afford to take a private jet is fleeing the country.

Difficult words: kindle (to set something on fire), pyre (a heap of material that is used for burning a dead body as a part of a funeral ceremony), ultra (going beyond what is usual or ordinary).

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