Coronavirus in Classrooms – level 2

19-08-2020 07:00

The school year starts soon, and many parents wonder if schools are safe for their children. Some parents worry that their children could get sick with COVID-19 in classrooms.

In schools, students use many objects; for example, they use a microscope in a science class. It is sometimes necessary to share some objects which means that many students touch the same object in one class. In some classes, students share scissors, paper, or pencils.

Experts say that it is not very common to catch COVID-19 when you touch an object. However, they still recommend to sterilize shared objects to minimize the risk. Every student should have individual material that is sterilized and wrapped in plastic. However, this does not happen in most schools, and it will be difficult to change this.

Difficult words: share (to use the same thing with other people), sterilize (to make something completely clean and safe), minimize (to make something as small as possible).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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