Current situation in Iraq – level 3

20-08-2014 07:00

Misery and fear.

The faces of tens of thousands of Yazidi refugees who fled Islamic state militants have found themselves trapped on Mount Sinjar since last week.

An exhausted woman tries to comfort her wailing child while an elderly woman sheltering under a blanket begs for help.

Children with their heads bandaged can be seen sobbing or sitting seemingly stunned by the situation.

The Yazidi refugees, from one of Iraq’s minority religious communities, have been sheltering on Mount Sinjar near the Syrian border after fleeing advancing militants who seized their homes.

They’re facing extreme temperatures and little food or water.

IS fighters have already killed at least 500 members of the Yazidi minority, allegedly burying some of their victims alive and kidnapping hundreds of women.

Difficult words: refugee (somebody who must leave their country), flee (to leave quickly), militant (person who fights to achieve a political change), trapped (stuck), exhausted (very tired), wail (to cry loudly), shelter (hide), sob (to cry), stunned (shocked), advance (move forward), minority (small group), seize (take by force), allegedly (according to what some people say), kidnap (to take somebody somewhere by force).



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