Dieselgate – level 3

31-03-2021 07:00

On Friday, Volkswagen unveiled its latest electric car, the ID.4 SUV, that was showcased outside its factory in Dresden, Germany.

However, as the industry continues its drive to go green, Volkswagen is still feeling the fallout from its emission scandal, also known as Dieselgate.

It began in September 2015 when the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to Volkswagen. Volkswagen admitted that in 2015, it used illegal software to rig diesel engine tests in the US, which sparked the biggest crisis in the company’s history.

The company announced that it would get damages from former Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn and former Audi boss Rupert Stadler. Following a far-reaching legal investigation, Volkswagen concluded that Winterkorn and Stadler had breached their duty of care. However, both men denied responsibility for the scandal.

Difficult words: showcase (to exhibit), drive to go green (work to make something environmentally friendly), fallout (bad consequences), rig (to manipulate or control in a dishonest way), duty of care (a moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others).

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