Dogs know how people feel – level 3

07-12-2022 15:00

Experts have evidence that animals can sense how we’re feeling and if we may be sick.

According to a new study, dogs can distinguish the feelings of stress versus calm. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell. They have more than 200 million nerve endings inside the nose, compared to about 50 million for people. Dogs also have a larger part of the brain dedicated to sensing smells than humans; therefore, they’re able to detect odorants in a much lower concentration.

Disease and illness change our overall smell which we emit through our breath and sweat. Dogs can sense if we’re happy or sad, and they have detected diseases including breast, lung, and cervical cancers. During the pandemic, they found the coronavirus.

Difficult words: versus (in contrast to, against), odorant (a material that has a strong smell), cervical (the cervix or the lower part of the uterus).

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