Egyptian Christians Are Attacked – level 3

05-06-2017 07:00

Twenty-eight Egyptian Christians died in an attack when gunmen shot at a bus that was headed to the Coptic holy site called St. Samuel’s Monastery. No group claimed responsibility for the atrocity, but the Islamic State attacked this Christian community last month with two suicide bombs. A survivor of the bus attack said that the gunmen wore military uniforms and masks.

Egyptian authorities added more security around Christian places of prayer since the spate of attacks. The president said that he will punish the groups responsible.

With increasing security threats from Islamist militants in Egypt, the beleaguered Christian minority will likely fall victim again.

Difficult words: Coptic (the Egyptian word for ‘Christian’), atrocity (a terrible thing), spate (many things happening at once), beleaguered (under attack), minority (a small group of people).

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