Elephants destroy crops – level 3

11-06-2021 15:00

A wandering herd of 15 elephants has been journeying in southwestern China’s province, as local authorities try to keep them away from populated areas.

The elephants entered a rural suburb on Wednesday night after traveling 500 kilometers, and they haven’t left the area since. The animals look in good health and they have been seen roaming through farmland and villages. They haven’t harmed anyone; however, according to the media, they have damaged or destroyed crops worth more than 1 million dollars. Local authorities have sent more than 630 people, 100 vehicles, and 14 drones to watch the animals.

Meanwhile, another herd of 17 wild elephants has been reported in a south province. They are stranded there, unable to cross the river and leave due to the rising water level in the summer. The animals broke into a crop protection and cultivation base, and more than 130,000 types of plants, including 1,350 endangered species, are at risk of being destroyed.

Difficult words: herd (a large group of animals of one kind that live together), roam (to wander), cultivation (growing and caring about a particular crop).

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