EU kills the Land Rover Defender – level 3

01-02-2016 15:00

It’s a British icon – the longest-running production car in the world and even good enough for the Queen to drive – but in the end, no one could defend the Land Rover Defender. The last of its kind has rolled off the production line, ending the 4 by 4’s 67-year-legacy after Jaguar Land Rover recognized that it just wouldn’t meet plans to enforce new harsher measures for car emissions by 2020.

There was a big turnout at the factory – crowds of staff and media rallied around for the final hurrah.

“I love the Land Rover Defender. I’ve had loads and loads of them. When I sold my last one, my children wept, and they’ve never quite forgiven me, and I have another one in a heartbeat. And it’s such a shame that the EU mean we can no longer make and produce this British, industrial icon.”

The manufacturer has reassured that a replacement model is being developed, but for now, all 700 employees who worked on the vehicle were invited to bid a final farewell. Jubilant cheers were mixed with nostalgia as the Defender rolled away after commendable almost 70 years of production.

Difficult words: defend (to protect), legacy (something that people remember), enforce (to apply), harsh (strict), measure (a rule), turnout (a group of people), staff (workers), rally (to come together), weep (to cry), farewell (goodbye), jubilant (joyful), nostalgia (remembering something), commendable (admirable).



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