France Helps Abused Women – level 2

02-12-2019 15:00

In Paris and other French cities, thousands of people protested against domestic violence.

France is a country with one of the highest number of cases of domestic violence in Europe. This year, more than 100 women died because their partners killed them.

French officials want to change the situation and they introduced a plan on how to do it. The plan includes bigger penalties for people who behave badly towards their partners. It is also possible that these people start to wear electronic bracelets. Officials also want to create 1,000 new places in homes for abused women.

The French president, Emanuel Macron, said that the plan is good, and he wants to support it.

Difficult words: domestic violence (a bad behavior at home, usually when somebody does bad things to their partner), electronic bracelet (a device that a person must wear on a hand so that the police can control this person), abused (an object of a very bad behavior).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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