Free Internet – level 3

09-10-2019 15:00

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealed the rules for net neutrality and a federal appeals court confirmed it. According to the rules, the FCC could prohibit states from making their own laws on net neutrality. The FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said that it is unlawful, and that states must protect an open Internet for their citizens. The FCC must change the rules and check if the repeal can affect public safety.

FCC Chairmain Ajit Pai welcomed the court’s decision. He said that there is free and open Internet and promised that it will be free in the future, too.

In 2015, the rules adopted said that the Internet must be neutral but in 2017, the FCC repealed the rules.

Difficult words: repeal (cancel a law), net neutrality (the idea that the Internet is a place that belongs to everyone and you should not have to pay extra to use it), prohibit (make formally impossible), neutral (something that is no one controls).

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