Habitat for Seals – level 2

05-12-2019 07:00

On Monday, The Center for Biological Diversity and the Commerce Department prepared a plan to protect two kinds of ice seals.

These seals are on a list of endangered species because their natural habitat is changing. The climate change means that the ice is melting fast.

The Center wants the government to create a special area for the seals; however, it says that Trump’s administration does not help to protect seals. Trump’s administration plans to open more land for oil and gas industry in Alaska. This is bad news because oil spills are dangerous for the seals.

Monday’s deal wants the Trump administration to create the area for the seals by September 2020.

Difficult words: endangered species (kinds of animals of plants which are in danger and may stop existing), habitat (the natural home of an animal or a plant), oil spill (an accident in which oil gets into the sea).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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