Hawaiian Volcano Destroys Homes – level 3

11-05-2018 15:00

Lava continues to flow out of fissures from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano and has destroyed five homes. Despite this danger, some residents are not going to evacuate.

One woman said that living in Hawaii is a gamble because in addition to the beauty, you are living on an active volcano. A man said that it took about three hours for the area to fill up with lava.

Some residents put leaves in the cracks in a road in front of the slow-moving lava as offerings to the Hawaiian goddess Pele.

Scientists say that lava will continue to come out of the volcano, but they are not sure when or where this will happen.

Difficult words: fissure (a large, deep crack in the ground), a gamble (when something bad or good can happen), Pele (the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, volcanoes, and the Hawaiian islands).

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