Healthier Planet – level 1

06-04-2020 07:00

Coronavirus in changing the environment. Governments make strong rules. People cannot go out. Businesses stop. Some factories close down. This has a big change on the environment.

Space satellites can see some changes. The air above China is cleaner. Scientists believe that the reason is coronavirus.

Italy is the new epicenter of coronavirus in Europe. Satellites see similar changes there. The quality of air gets better. Cities are cleaner, too.

Venice is a famous Italian city. It has many water canals. There are many ships with tourists. Now, there are no tourists. The water is clear. People can see fish.

India is one of the most polluted countries in the world. Normally, the air is very bad in India. The situation is changing. The air is cleaner. People can see the blue sky.

Difficult words: environment (the natural world), epicenter (the center of activity), polluted (dirty).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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