Husband and wife become saints – level 3

23-10-2015 07:00

Today for the first time in history, a husband and wife became saints on the same day. Pope Francis presided over the canonisation ceremony at the Vatican of Louis and Azélie-Marie.

The couple lived in France in the 19th century and were the parents of five daughters who all became nuns, including the much venerated Saint Therese of Lisieux. The pope praised the couple for highlighting the key role parents play in the spiritual and human upbringing of their children.

“The holy spouses, Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin, practised Christian service in the family, creating day by day, an environment of love which nurtured the vocations of their daughters, among whom was Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.”

The couple were canonised alongside priest Vincenzo Grossi who died in 1917, and María Isabel Salvat Romero, a 20th century Spanish nun.

The canonisation comes at a time when the synod is focusing on how the church can be a better minister to modern families, including gay Catholics in same-sex unions, and re-married divorced Catholics.

Difficult words: preside over (to be in a position of authority when something important happens), canonisation (the act of canonising somebody – making the dead person a saint), venerate (to honour or respect someone), upbringing (teaching and caring), nurture (to help something develop), vocation (belief that you were chosen to be something; job; meaning in life), synod (an important meeting of church members), minister to (of help to).


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