Instagram for children – level 3

17-05-2021 07:00

Attorneys general of 44 US states and territories told Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to ditch plans to create a version of Instagram for children.

They wrote a letter stating social media is detrimental to children “who are not equipped to navigate the challenges of having a social media account.”

They also said that Facebook has not protected children in the past, such as when they created a version of Facebook Messenger for children. They described that children were able to bypass the restrictions to join group chats with strangers who were not approved by their parents.

Facebook responded it was exploring the idea of Instagram for children, it would protect their safety and privacy, and it would not show advertising.

Difficult words: attorney (a lawyer who helps people in court), ditch (to stop something), detrimental (hurtful), bypass (to get around something so you can do what you want to do).

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