Is globalization ending? – level 2

01-07-2024 15:00

According to Robert Moritz, an expert on global trade, globalization is not ending but changing.

Experts expect traditional global trade and engagement to decrease which will lead to more regional or bilateral business activities. Moritz suggests that there is a trend towards greater regionalization. Regions like North America, Europe, and Asia are integrating and coming together. Moritz thinks that there will be economic growth, but it will be the result of the trade world breaking into smaller parts.  This is a logical change toward more regional and possibly bilateral globalization, something that we cannot stop from happening.

Difficult words: engagement (taking part in something), bilateral (involving two parts), regionalization (separating large regions into smaller parts).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What does Robert Moritz suggest will be the result of the trend towards greater regionalization in global trade?


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