Israel attacks Gaza – level 3

07-01-2022 07:00

Israel’s military said on early Sunday that it fired rockets against militant targets in the Gaza Strip, a day after the Hamas territory fired other rockets.

The Israeli military said that the attacks targeted a rocket facility and a military facility for Hamas. It also blamed the militant Islamic group for any violence emanating from the territory that it controls.

The airstrikes came as retaliation for two rockets fired from Gaza on Saturday which landed in the Mediterranean Sea off central Israel. It wasn’t clear whether the rockets were meant to hit Israel; however, Gaza militant groups often test-fire missiles toward the sea.

Apart from a single incident in September, there was no rocket fire since an agreement ended an 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in May. However, tensions are high as other groups like strict Islamic Jihad threaten military fighting if Israel doesn’t end the imprisonment of a Palestinian prisoner who has been on a hunger strike for over 130 days.

Difficult words: target (a people or place that someone attacks; to attack specific people or places). emanate (to come from or be produced by), retaliation (the action of returning a military attack).

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