Kenya and plastics – level 1

02-07-2024 15:00

Kenya’s biggest landfill is called Dandora. It is in Nairobi. It is one of the biggest landfills in the world.

Dandora is full of throwaway plastics. People use most of these plastics only once. Then they throw it away. Kenya is trying hard to be cleaner. Kenya wants a strict global rule on plastics. Countries are talking about it now. In 2017, Kenya makes tough laws about plastic bags. People can go to jail or pay a lot of money if they use plastic bags.

Now, a new law says that companies must handle their products’ waste, not consumers. A Kenyan milk company changes its bottles to clear ones. It is easier to recycle these bottles. People like this change. It shows that Kenyans care more about this problem than before.

Difficult words: landfill (a place where people put things which they do not need anymore, and it looks like a mountain), waste (things which people and companies throw away), consumer (a person who buys things).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What is one example of a company in Kenya that has made changes to help with the plastic waste problem?


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