Kenya floods – level 2

03-05-2024 15:00

Severe floods killed at least 169 people in Kenya. Kenya’s president William Ruto said that people in flood-prone areas should leave their homes.

The Army is helping move people away, especially in the Rift Valley, north of the capital Nairobi. A full reservoir broke there, destroyed part of a village, and killed 48 people. Rescue teams are using bulldozers to clear debris. They are searching for bodies along rivers.

Some people criticize the government’s slow response, but the president said that everyone did what they could. Rescue teams, including the Red Cross, are in place. The government may declare a national disaster later, but now they focus on helping people.

Difficult words: prone (to be likely to suffer from something), debris (pieces of rubbish or other things), declare (to say something clearly and in public).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What is the current focus of the Kenyan government in response to the severe floods, and what action are they taking to address the situation?


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