Less Plastic in China – level 2

29-01-2020 07:00

China announced a plan to reduce its use and production of plastic. By the end of the year, the country wants to completely stop using some single-use plastic products.

In the future, China wants to stop using plastic bags, plastic straws, and plastic tableware. By the end of 2025, China will stop using plastic packaging at postal services and plastic supplies at hotels.

Studies say that China is the biggest plastic producer in the world. China’s Yangtze River contains more plastic than any other river, and all of this plastic gets into the ocean.

China’s official said that it is a long and difficult process to reduce the production of plastic, and all parts of society must work together to do this.

Difficult words: production (when people make things), single-use (something that people use only once and then they throw it away), tableware (plates, knives, spoons, forks, and other things for eating meals).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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