Less Plastic in China – level 3

29-01-2020 07:00

On Sunday, China announced a plan to significantly reduce its plastic use and plastic production. The country will completely ban some single-use plastic products by the end of 2020.

By the end of this year, non-degradable plastic bags will be banned in major cities. Other single-use plastic products, such as plastic straws and plastic tableware, will be banned in certain areas. By the end of 2025, plastic packaging at a postal services, along with plastic supplies at hotels, will be banned nationwide. A Chinese official said that the implementation of various measures requires strong cooperation and support of all parts of society.

Studies say that China is the world’s leading plastic producer, and more plastic makes its way into the oceans by way of China’s Yangtze River than by any other river.

Difficult words: non-degradable (not able to change a chemical structure), implementation (the act of starting to use a system or plan), measure (actions taken to achieve something).

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