Mobile Bookshop in Baghdad – level 3

02-05-2017 07:00

In Baghdad, a bookworm named Ali al-Moussawi turned his van into a mobile bookshop and makes up to $4,000 a month as he sells books around the city. His bookshop has done well and with his success, he hired four people to help him.

Al-Moussawi said that it took him nine months to achieve his idea and he hopes that it will bring people’s attention to and promote reading. He said that he wants to develop his bookshop and ‘improve its current shape’.

As he moves his van, he changes the books that are on display. This is because the city is still divided and in Sunni areas, the books on Saddam Hussein are still popular.

Difficult words: bookworm (a person who enjoys books), promote (make something popular), divide (not the same in what you think about something), Sunni (a religious group within Islam).

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