Moon Landing – level 3

07-12-2020 15:00

On Tuesday, China’s Chang’e-5 spacecraft successfully landed on the near side of the moon. The probe entered the moon’s orbit on Saturday after a 122-hour journey from Earth.

The spacecraft had automatically detected and identified obstacles before it landed in a pre-selected area that had not been previously explored. The probe touched down in a place known as the Ocean of Storms that consisted of a vast lava plain. During the landing process, cameras aboard the lander took images of the landing and sent them back to Earth.

About two kilograms of samples are expected to be collected, sealed in a container, and carried back to Earth. If the return journey is successful, China will be only the third country to have retrieved samples from the moon, following the US and Soviet Union in the 60s and 70s.

Difficult words: probe (an object or vehicle that is used for exploration), plain (a large area of flat land with few or no trees), retrieve (to bring something back from somewhere).

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