Morales Cannot Get to Senate – level 3

27-02-2020 07:00

Evo Morales, the former president of Bolivia, is not allowed to run in the general election for a seat in the country’s senate. Bolivia’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal rejected Morales’ candidacy on Thursday because he is not Bolivia’s resident.

Morales is living in Argentina where the government gave him asylum. In November last year, Morales stepped down as Bolivia’s president. One month before, he won the fourth term in office; however, some politicians said that Morales manipulated the vote. After he fled to Argentina, Bolivian authorities accused him of sedition and terrorism.

Morales said that the tribunal’s decision is an attack on democracy.

Difficult words: Supreme Electoral Tribunal (the highest authority that decides about elections), candidacy (the position of a person who wants to be elected), sedition (when a person tries to persuade other people to oppose their government, sometimes by using violence).

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