More US help for Ukraine – level 3

26-04-2024 07:00

After a long delay, the US Congress finally passed a significant foreign aid package.

This package totals 95 billion dollars, and it includes crucial support for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and US partners in the Indo-Pacific region. The Senate and House of Representatives approved four bills, combining them into one comprehensive package. President Biden is set to sign it into law. The aid for Ukraine totals 61 billion dollars, and it aims to address urgent military needs. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy expressed gratitude for this vital support. Additionally, the package includes funds to counter China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific.

Despite some opposition, bipartisan leaders stress the importance of supporting Ukraine and other allies in the face of Russian aggression and other global threats.

Difficult words: comprehensive (including everything necessary), counter (to react with an opposing opinion or action, to defend), bipartisan (involving the cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What countries and regions are included in the significant foreign aid package passed by the US Congress and why is it important to support them?


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