New Brexit Plan – level 3

22-10-2019 07:00

The United Kingdom and the European Union agreed on a Brexit plan. However, other EU member states, and the U.K. Parliament must approve it.

Jean Claude Juncker, the European Commission President, wrote a letter to the President of the European Council and recommended that the memberstates approve the plan. Juncker says that it is time to complete the process.

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, wants to finish Brexit and move on to other priorities. A majority of British parliament must approve the deal by Saturday, but two main opposition parties opposed the deal already. The Labour Party leader called this deal worse than Theresa May’s deal. Johnson is now going to Brussels for a meeting with EU leaders.

Difficult words: approve (officially agree), member state (an area such as a state or a coutry that is in a group with a bigger area), majority (the number of people larger than half of the total), opposition (political parties with opposite ideology to the leading party).

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